Before Water Wise of America (Rochester, NY) introduced CWS’s ProMoss™ to this Chilled Water Loop, the facility had continuous flow issues due to contaminants. The pictures below demonstrate the effectiveness of the ProMoss™ over a four month period. During this time, both pressure and temperature readings have improved along with a dramatic reduction in iron levels.
The first contact chamber improvement is on all sizes of our ‘lobster cages,’ as they are affectionately known. Our Pool/Spa dealers know them as CC-STL, CC-STS and CC-STxS (for surge tank or gutter systems) and our Industrial dealers know them as CC-ITL, CC-ITM and CC-ITS. The bungees that hold the door shut now have easy to grip handles, making them more easily and more quickly opened and shut. It’s also much less likely that fingers will get pinched in the process. These units are also being produced with stainless steel clamps.
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The interrelationship between Legionella bacteria, amoeba, organic contamination and water in cooling towers and fountains can produce a severe pneumonia called legionnaires’ disease. In this summary we will review the lifecycle of Legionella bacteria, review the effects of ProMoss™ on organic contamination, and discuss the results of Legionella testing on cooling towers treated with ProMoss™ in the state of New York.
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program, the ENERGY STAR® Challenge for Industry, is a global call-to-action for manufacturing sites to reduce energy intensity, or the amount of energy used to make a product, by 10 percent within five years. The Diesel facility reduced its energy intensity by more than 25 percent within two years. The use of Creative Water Solutions’ ProMoss™ in their cooling towers was an important part of that accomplishment and has led Corning International to expand their use of ProMoss™ to other facilities in the U.S. “The products we produce here are the essential components in emission-control systems on diesel trucks, construction, and agricultural vehicles,” Hal Nelson, vice president and general manager, Environmental Technologies, said during his remarks. “And of course, we’ve focused on making these products in a much more energy-efficient way.”
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A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program, the ENERGY STAR® Challenge for Industry, is a global call-to-action for manufacturing sites to reduce energy intensity, or the amount of energy used to make a product, by 10 percent within five years. The Diesel facility reduced its energy intensity by more than 25 percent within two years. The use of Creative Water Solutions’ ProMoss™ in their cooling towers was an important part of that accomplishment and has led Corning International to expand their use of ProMoss™ to other facilities in the U.S. “The products we produce here are the essential components in emission-control systems on diesel trucks, construction, and agricultural vehicles,” Hal Nelson, vice president and general manager, Environmental Technologies, said during his remarks. “And of course, we’ve focused on making these products in a much more energy-efficient way.”
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