By: Dan Cook, Conservation Solutions Corporation
The Zambarano Hospital replaced their window air conditioners with a central cooling plant with a cooling tower and absorption chiller. They wanted to provide first class water treatment without polluting the water with hazardous chemicals since the cooling system is adjacent to the lake that supplies water to the hospital.
A FlowMark Chemical-Free Water Treatment System was installed on the 300 ton steam powered absorption chiller and cooling tower. In addition, a bag filtration and Creative Water Solutions ProMoss™ system was installed to maintain clean water in the cooling system. This system eliminates hazardous chemical use for the cooling system. The biological counts are consistently less than 500 CFU/ml, corrosion is controlled and the water in the cooling tower is crystal clear. The Zambarano Hospital has invested in a “greener” water treatment technology with significant financial benefits: Increasing cycles of concentration resulting in water and sewer savings; eliminating organic contamination & calcite scale saves energy, and the hospital staff enjoys a cleaner and safer working environment since biological control in the cooling tower is guaranteed without hazardous chemicals. Finally, toxic chemicals from the cooling system do not adversely impact the hospital’s water treatment plant.
- Eliminated hazardous
- Saved energy & water
- Reduced impact on sewer plant
- Improved working environment for staff by eliminating the need to handle chemicals
- “Greener” building