Creative Water Solutions is currently in beta testing with water treatment for animal husbandry in the hog and dairy cow segments of the market. Since the federal government outlawed prophylactic administration of antibiotics for farm animals, water quality and purity has become a critical issue in animal health.
We are finishing a six-month beta test on a sow facility outside Morris, MN. We did a water analysis of the needs of the sow barn and designed a system to deliver adequate amounts of ProMoss™ treated water to satisfy the needs of the sows and the maintenance of the facility.
Creative Water Solutions is currently in beta testing with water treatment for animal husbandry in the hog and dairy cow segments of the market. Since the federal government outlawed prophylactic administration of antibiotics for farm animals, water quality and purity has become a critical issue in animal health.
We are finishing a six-month beta test on a sow facility outside Morris, MN. We did a water analysis of the needs of the sow barn and designed a system to deliver adequate amounts of ProMoss™ treated water to satisfy the needs of the sows and the maintenance of the facility.
Based on these results, the owner of this large hog operation will expand ProMoss™ treatment to the nursery barns and then to the finishing barns.
We are also going to test ProMoss™ treatment in three dairy facilities in Minnesota. We will study the effect of ProMoss™ treated water on milk production, milk quality, incidence of mastitis, and health of calves. We will also monitor effects on water troughs, plumbing and scale formation, clogging of heat exchangers to cool milk, and water use.
This expansion into the animal husbandry industry is an exciting extension of the success we’ve had in industrial water treatment.