Two of the many properties ProMoss™ brings to industrial water treatment are flocculation and removal of scale. Flocculation produces clear water by binding TSS (total suspended solids) together until they fall out of solution. Chemical companies charge a lot of money for flocculants and polymers to accomplish the same task. This function of the ProMoss™ only becomes a problem when there is a large load of TSS and the treated water needs to pass a small orifice like a spray nozzle. In this case it makes total sense to place a 40-100 micron bag filter after the ProMoss™ contact chamber to remove the TSS that ProMoss™ has removed from the water by flocculation. If there are no small orifice critical points in the system, filtration may not be necessary.
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Archives for August 2017
These photos are from a tobacco processing plant air washer system in the Southeast US. The plant was switched from chemical treatment toProMoss™ to address corrosion and odor issues in the plant resulting from the use of high levels of oxidizing biocides to maintain bacterial control. These photos are from a section of pipe leading into the system’s plate and frame heat exchanger. The first photo was taken right after the start of theProMoss™ treatment program (which included 1-2.5 ppm hydrogen peroxide). The second photo was taken three months later. Treatment with ProMoss™ has resulted in significant removal of old deposits; the result of years of operation under chemical treatment from multiple vendors.