Before Water Wise of America (Rochester, NY) introduced CWS’s ProMoss™ to this Chilled Water Loop, the facility had continuous flow issues due to contaminants. The pictures below demonstrate the effectiveness of the ProMoss™ over a four month period. During this time, both pressure and temperature readings have improved along with a dramatic reduction in iron levels.
The interrelationship between Legionella bacteria, amoeba, organic contamination and water in cooling towers and fountains can produce a severe pneumonia called legionnaires’ disease. In this summary we will review the lifecycle of Legionella bacteria, review the effects of ProMoss™ on organic contamination, and discuss the results of Legionella testing on cooling towers treated with ProMoss™ in the state of New York.
We are so pleased to have a growing number of YMCAs, from across the country, using PoolMoss® Pro. We love that our products are supporting their mission to strengthen community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. We’d like to take this opportunity to let you know what a few of them are saying about their experience with PoolMoss® Pro:
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The discovery of life changing products from nature has been the mainstay of advances in medicine and other industries. In today’s era of custom pharmaceuticals, gene manipulation, and large scale engineering solutions to common problems, the opportunity to make a significant discovery directly from nature is truly unique. Creative Water Solutions LLC (CWS) is a modern day example of how nature’s creation can still provide solutions to complex and pressing human needs.
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A recently published study is renewing concerns about toxic disinfection byproducts (DBP) in swimming pools and spas. The study, published in Environmental Science & Technology (2016, Vol. 50, 6652-6662), included researchers from the University of South Carolina, Purdue University, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Though previous studies have shown a link between exposure to DBP and the occurrence of asthma and bladder cancer, this study documents the effects of DBP on mutagenicity (changes in DNA).
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