On Feb. 11, 2018, BBC News shared a story about 12 cities in the world that are likely to run out of drinking water. Imagine turning on the faucet in a modern city and nothing coming out for days. Weeks. Months?”Cape Town (South Africa) is in the unenviable situation of being the first major city in the modern era to face the threat of running out of drinking water.” The cities aren’t all located in deserts. One US city is even on the list. Pollution, crumbling infrastructure, saltwater intrusion, and draining aquifers are some of the issues. You can read more about it here.
The bottom line for the rest of us not directly affected by these situations is that ALL drinking water resources are finite, fragile and increasingly valuable.
More and more it is going to be an important selling point for PoolMoss® Pro and ProMoss® alike – your system can run more cleanly, more efficiently, with fewer added chemicals and with less water. Reducing water demand reduces water costs and/or is becoming a real corporate responsibility/municipal/higher education goal. Reducing water waste reduces sewer costs. For example:
- For large commercial swimming pools, water parks, university pools and recreation centers, using The Moss™ and backwashing on differential results in far less backwashing than traditional chemical treatment.
- In cooling towers, using The Moss™ means increasing cycles of concentration and reducing the quantity of water being blown down compared to traditional chemical treatment.
- In process water, if the system remains cleaner, longer, it doesn’t have down time and need to be dumped, cleaned and refilled as often. Depending on the process, the water volume alone may be significant, but certainly the production down time is costly.
“Think globally, act locally” is a common principle that is being applied to organizations, business, education and government. Find out what organizations in your territory are trying to embody this principle, who in that organization is responsible for making it happen and you will likely find a candidate and a champion to get PoolMoss® Pro and ProMoss® incorporated into their standard operations.