Interview of Mike O’ Connor – Chief Engineer – Buildings and Maintenance
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Macalester College has been treating a 400,000 gallon competition pool with PoolMoss® Pro since June 2010. They were one of the first commercial facilities to adopt The Moss™ and enjoy the benefits of water treatment, the way nature intended!
Here is what Mike has to say about The Moss™:
What are your general thoughts about The Moss™?
I think The Moss™ is a great product. It not only has benefits in relation to the pool but also the environment.
Why did you start using The Moss™? Did it solve the problem or fill a need?
I did not have a problem or a need. Our pool was new and we were given a chance to be a test site.
Where did solving the problem or filling a need fall on your priority list?
Neither fell into my priority list, I just recognized an opportunity to improve on an already near perfect pool.
What has changed about everyday operations?
Our everyday operations have improved with less maintenance, less time cleaning probes, less back washing filters, adding less chemicals, better water balance.
Did you eliminate any other products since using The Moss™?
We didn’t use any chemicals other than chlorine, bicarb and acid. Throughout our time using The Moss™ we are using less bicarb, acid, and chlorine.
How are you measuring success in using The Moss™?
We measure success in three ways. Less chemical usage is cost effective. Less chemical usage is better for the environment. And most important, it is a better experience for our customers.
How are you determining your continuation of using The Moss™?
Cost is always a factor of doing business and although The Moss™ is relatively expensive, the benefits currently outweigh the cost. If things like heat exchanger and air handler life expectancy improves because of The Moss™, the product would fall under the ‘no brainer’ category!
What do you think about the price point?
The price is a hard sell without data pointing to variable cost savings like air handlers, filters and heat exchanger’s. But as I said, customer experience is the most important.
Would you recommend The Moss™ to other facilities?
Yes I would, and I have recommended The Moss™ to other facilities. You can’t put a price on a positive bather experience if you want them to continue to use your facility.