The story behind our discovery is genuinely unique, and began with the frustration one of our founders was feeling from his inability to keep his spa clean. An esteemed vascular surgeon and cellular biologist, Dr. David Knighton is also a pilot, inventor, and committed outdoorsman, with a broad understanding of ecological processes.
Already intrigued by the storied use of moss in wound healing, he believed that it was having a similar effect on the lakes he viewed during his flights “up north” in Minnesota. The further north he went, the clearer the water became.
Working with his business partner, Vance Fiegel, they gathered some moss and began the series of experiments that led to the formation of Creative Water Solutions. After testing a multitude of moss types and species, they narrowed down the suitable material to two species of the Sphagnum moss genus. This species of moss is used in orchid germination, and harvested in a highly innovative and sustainable manner.
And, the use of Sphagnum moss has proved to have remarkable and pervasive effects on water, which have lead to applications going far beyond the pool industry, into various industrial water treatments, including cooling towers, boilers, and steam generators.